Post Road Realty
Cassie Paolucci, Post Road RealtyPhone: (774) 200-3523

What is a reverse mortgage & how do you qualify?

by Cassie Paolucci 01/15/2023

Two individuals holding hands

A home is a big investment. As you continue to own a home, it builds equity over the years. This article provides a basic guide of reverse mortgages and how they put the power of your home’s equity back in your grasp.  

What are reverse mortgages? 

A reverse mortgage is a program meant for elders aged 62 and up. It allows them to borrow some of the equity that has built up for their home in the form of a loan. A reverse mortgage lender offers participants to choose a loan type. From there, they can decide if they want a line of credit or lump sum of funding. 

How do you qualify for a reverse mortgage loan? 

To qualify for a reverse mortgage loan, you have to meet these criteria: 

  • Owner of the property bust be at least 62 years old
  • Home must be completely owned or be mostly paid off
  • Must show finances are available to continue paying property taxes
  • Property must be the primary residents 

Once you’ve qualified and been approved for this kind of loan, it’s then time to decide which loan type you’ll utilize. 

Reverse mortgage Types

There are multiple loan types to choose from: 

  • HECMs or Home equity conversion mortgages can be used for almost anything. They are supported by Urban Development and the U.S. Department of Housing
  • Single-Purpose Reverse Mortgages are more affordable. They can be provided by the state and can be used for specific reasons specified by the loan lender. 
  • Proprietary reverse mortgages are not supported by the government. They come with their own requirements for eligibility. These loans are private and easy to obtain. 

Reverse mortgages are helpful for life expenses. Speak with a reverse mortgage lender today to explore your next loan options.

About the Author

Cassie Paolucci

I am here to help you, plain and simple.
As a full-time professional Realtor, I will work with you to find the right property while guiding you through the process, securing the best price, protecting your interests and safeguarding confidential information.
With extensive knowledge of the real estate business, I can assist you in successfully managing the process of buying or selling a property. I will share my expertise and experience, provide unparalleled service and will be your trusted guide for all your real estate needs.
A valuable resource for you, I can refer you to other highly qualified, reputable professionals when you need them. These include legal services, financing, insurance and skilled tradespeople for the maintenance, renovation or refurbishment of your home.